Congratulations to Qing Su, Khaled Mohammed Saifuddin, and Xiaolong Tu, the winners of the inaugural Martin D. Fraser Graduate Student Conference Travel Award. Each student will receive $500 to support conference travel or participation.
Applicants for the Fraser Award are required to be the first author of a conference paper. The papers authored by this year’s winners are:
Qing Su, Anton Netchaev, Hai Li, and Shihao Ji, “FLSL: Feature-level Self-supervised Learning,” 37th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), New Orleans, December 2023.
Khaled Mohammed Saifuddin, Corey May, Farhan Tanvir, Muhammad Ifte Khairul Islam, and Esra Akbas, “Seq-HyGAN: Sequence Classification via Hypergraph Attention Network,” 32nd ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), Birmingham, UK, October 2023.
Xiaolong Tu, Anik Mallik, Dawei Chen, Kyungtae Han, Onur Altintas, Haoxin Wang, and Jiang Xie, “Unveiling Energy Efficiency in Deep Learning: Measurement, Prediction, and Scoring Across Edge Devices,” Eighth ACM/IEEE Symposium on Edge Computing (SEC), Wilmington, Delaware, December 2023.
Funding for the Fraser Award comes from the Martin D. Fraser Endowed Fund for Graduate Student Travel. The fund was established in 2021 by associate professor emeritus K. N. King and his wife Susan Cole to honor the memory of Dr. Fraser, who was the founding chair of the Department of Computer Science and the driving force behind the department’s Ph.D. program. Donations to the fund are gratefully accepted.
This year’s awards were the first since the Fraser Fund was established. Beginning in 2024, awards will be made twice a year, in April and October. The deadlines for applying are April 15 and October 15; details can be found in the policies and procedure manual. Award decisions are made by the Department of Computer Science Honors Committee on a case-by-case basis in accordance with merit-based review guidelines and availability of travel funds. Papers accepted by the same or similar conferences will not necessarily receive an award in subsequent review cycles.
The members of the Honors Committee are:
Dr. Zhipeng Cai
Dr. Jonathan Ji (committee chair)
Dr. Jiali Li
Dr. Michael Weeks
Dr. Alex Zelikovsky
Dr. Yanqing Zhang