The Department of Computer Science invites students to participate in five campus organizations.
Computer Science Club – Hosts game nights and other social events for computer science majors.
Computer Science Graduate Student Association – Provides support for computer science graduate students, including advocating for student needs and facilitating communication with the Department of Computer Science and with university administration.
Girls++ – The mission of GSU’s student chapter of ACM-W is to build a strong network of female computer science students while striving for technical leadership and methods of empowerment.
Student Branch of the IEEE – IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) is the world’s largest association of technology professionals. The GSU student branch sponsors technical talks and workshops.
Student Chapter of the ACM – ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) is the world’s largest scientific and educational computing society. The GSU student chapter presents six technical talks each semester, conducts field trips, and hosts a variety of social events.
Contact Us
Department of Computer Science
Office Hours (Available Remotely):
Monday - Friday
8:30 a.m. - 5:15 p.m.
Office Hours (In Person):
By appointment
Department Chair
Associate Chair
Director of Undergraduate Studies
Associate Director of Undergraduate Studies
Director of Graduate Studies
Associate Directors of Graduate Studies
Office/Delivery Address
Department of Computer Science
Georgia State University
25 Park Place
Suite 700
Atlanta, GA 30303
USPS Mailing Address
Department of Computer Science
Georgia State University
P.O. Box 5060
Atlanta, GA 30302-5060