Michael Weeks
Associate Professor Computer Science, Neuroscience- Education
B.E.S., Engineering Math and Computer Science, University of Louisville, 1993
M.Eng., Engineering Math and Computer Science, University of Louisville, 1994
M.S., Computer Engineering, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, 1996
Ph.D., Computer Engineering, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, 1998
- Specializations
Digital Signal Processing, Embedded Systems, Bioinformatics
- Biography
My research focuses on three areas: digital signal processing, embedded systems, and bioinformatics.
Digital signal processing (DSP) deals with the nature of information, signals, transforms, and applications. Projects include image/video compression, speech recognition, and image analysis. I also have a DSP project using Google Web Toolkit.
Embedded systems is the umbrella term for computer-controlled devices that are made for a specific purpose. This includes cell phones, MP3 players, control systems in cars, alarm systems, etc. Projects include assistive devices and developing applications for platforms like the iPhone/iTouch.
Bioinformatics is the third area that I work in. It deals with the interdisciplinary fields of computer science, engineering, biology, mathematics and chemistry. There are a lot of fascinating problems caused by the gap between what a human can do and what a machine can do. Projects in this area tend to overlap the other areas. For example, one current project is to automatically find and measure filopodia from a neural image.
- Publications
Ferrol R. Blackmon and Michael Weeks, Target acquisition by a hands-free wireless tilt mouse, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics 2009 (SMC 2009), San Antonio, October 2009, pp. 33–38, doi:10.1109/ICSMC.2009.5346346.
Michael Weeks and Evelyn Brannock, Demonstrating edge data across multiple resolution levels, Proceedings of the IEEE Southeast Conference, Atlanta, March 2009.
Evelyn Brannock, Michael Weeks, and Robert Harrison, The effect of wavelet families on watermarking, Journal of Computers Vol. 4, No. 6 (June 2009), pp. 554–566, doi:10.4304/jcp.4.6.554-566.
Ferrol Blackmon and Michael Weeks, Wireless tilt mouse: providing mouse-type access for computer users with spinal cord injuries or disabilities, accepted to the International Workshop on Ambient Assistive Technologies for Intelligent Healthcare Services (AASTIHS08), part of First International Conference on Pervasive Technologies Related to Assistive environments (PETRA 2008), July 2008.
Evelyn Brannock, Michael Weeks, and Vincent Rehder, Detecting filopodia with wavelets, Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS '06), Kos, Greece, May 2006, pp. 4046–4049.